Managing Mood Issues Pre and During Menstrual Cycle: Wellness Practices, Teas, and Herbal Supplements

Managing Mood Issues Pre and During Menstrual Cycle: Wellness Practices, Teas, and Herbal Supplements

Self-care is such an intrinsic part of Nsunku Skin and this week we're focusing on menstrual well-being. Aside from great skincare practices, the menstrual cycle, can bring about various physical and emotional challenges. When it's that time of the month, many women experience mood swings, irritability, anxiety, and even depression premenstrually and during their period. Managing these mood issues through holistic wellness practices, beneficial teas, and herbal supplements can provide significant relief and improve overall well-being. So here are some tips to help manage this during that time of the month:

Wellness Practices for Menstrual Mood Management

Exercise Regularly:

Engaging in regular physical activity helps release endorphins, the body's natural mood lifters. Activities like yoga, walking, swimming, and dancing can reduce stress and alleviate mood swings.


Maintain a Balanced Diet:

Eating a diet rich in whole foods—fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains—provides essential nutrients that stabilize mood. Avoiding excessive sugar, caffeine, and processed foods can also prevent energy crashes and irritability.


Practice Mindfulness and Relaxation Techniques:

Mindfulness meditation, deep breathing exercises, and progressive muscle relaxation can reduce stress and anxiety, promoting a sense of calm. These practices can be particularly beneficial during the premenstrual phase when mood swings are most pronounced.


Prioritise Sleep:

Ensuring adequate, quality sleep is crucial for mood regulation. Aim for 7-9 hours of restful sleep per night. Establish a calming bedtime routine, limit screen time before bed, and create a sleep-friendly environment.


Beneficial Teas for Mood and Pain Relief

Chamomile Tea:

Known for its calming properties, chamomile tea can help reduce anxiety and promote relaxation. It also has anti-inflammatory properties that can ease menstrual cramps.


Peppermint Tea:

Peppermint tea can help alleviate headaches and muscle pain associated with menstruation. It also aids digestion, which can be beneficial if you experience bloating or digestive discomfort during your cycle.


Ginger Tea:

Ginger tea is renowned for its anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving properties. It can help reduce menstrual cramps and improve digestion, easing nausea and bloating.


Raspberry Leaf Tea:

Raspberry leaf tea is traditionally used to support reproductive health. It can help tone the uterus, reduce menstrual cramps, and balance hormones, potentially alleviating mood swings.


Herbal Supplements for Mood and Pain Management

Vitex (Chasteberry):

Vitex is commonly used to balance hormones and alleviate premenstrual syndrome (PMS) symptoms, including mood swings and irritability. It helps regulate the pituitary gland, which controls hormone levels.



Magnesium is crucial for muscle relaxation and nerve function. It can help reduce menstrual cramps, improve sleep quality, and alleviate mood swings by regulating neurotransmitter activity.


Evening Primrose Oil:

Rich in gamma-linolenic acid (GLA), evening primrose oil can help reduce inflammation and balance hormones. It may relieve breast tenderness, cramps, and mood swings associated with PMS.


Managing mood issues pre and during the menstrual cycle requires a holistic approach that addresses both physical and emotional well-being. By incorporating regular exercise, a balanced diet, mindfulness practices, beneficial teas, and targeted herbal supplements, you can significantly improve your mood and reduce pain. Always consult with a healthcare provider before starting any new supplement regimen to ensure it is safe and appropriate for your individual health needs. Through these practices, you can create a more balanced and harmonious experience throughout your menstrual cycle.

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